Email Hosting
With this package you get a total of 5 GB of space for your emails. The number of individual mailboxes is unlimited. So it depends only on you how you use the allocated space. The service does not contain space for the web and is therefore suitable especially for smaller companies or individuals who do not yet consider a Web presentation.
Mail Properties
- Total space: 5GB
- unlimited number of mailboxes
- unlimited number of mailbox aliases (for mailboxes)
- 4x domain alias
- POP3, SMTP, IMAP4 (also SSL/TLS version)
- auto answering robot
- Antivirus
- Antispam
- Web Administration Virtualmin (Mailboxes administration, Quotas management, Antispam configuration, and more)
- access to mail via web browser | Webmail
- technical support 24/7 (email and phone)