Comodo SSL

Comodo Certificates Comodo Certification Authority is one of the well established authorities online security. In particular, it offers available certificates that fit a wide range of applications. Our range of Comodo certificates ranges from cost-effective (Comodo Essential) to Comodo EV (Extended Validation), which, thanks to full operator authentication, is suitable for the highest level of web security.

Comodo Essential Wildcard

SSL certificate with 256 bit encryption. This Wildcard certificate ensures full SSL security of your domain in all shapes (* Secure your corporate website, email, intranet and other critical sites with just one certificate! Comodo Essential Wildcard is fully trusted by all browsers and can be displayed in minutes after purchase.

ZIKUM TIP! | Comodo Essential Wildcard offers the best price / performance ratio

Comodo Essential Wildcard
New Refresh (1 Year Cost)
1 year $ 199.00 Order $ 199.00 Order
2 years $ 200 Order $ 199.00 Order
3 years $ 395 Order $ 199.00 Order
4 years $ 400 Order $ 199.00 Order
5 years 13.450 Kc Order $ 199.00 Order

Comodo Instant Certificate

SSL certificate with full encryption, issued in minutes and at a very low price. It is a so-called “Low authenticated” certificate containing only domain information. However, it is still fully trusted for 99% of browsers.

Comodo Instant
New Refresh (1 Year Cost)
1 year $ 90.00 Order $ 90.00